Arts & Humanities Journal


Title: Comparing Desire to Communicate In Interested Adolescents In Different Styles of Computer Games


The purpose of this study was to Comparing willingness to engage in youth interested in computer games had different styles. This descriptive study, of Ali - comparable to the population of all adolescents and young son in Zahedan referring to Internet gaming, including 25 who were Internet gaming, sampling study, a random cluster eight of the Internet gaming as a lottery pick and the notes referring to the game in question, a sample consisting of 156 subjects were selected randomly. ANOVA results showed that there is significant difference between the desire to communicate in different interest-oriented style computer game (massive online team, individually and in combination), a (P ≤0.01) significant level. Thus wide audience interested in style online game combines style of team and desire to communicate more interested in playing styles were individual computer. The results showed that desire to communicate on subjects such as Internet gaming and both places (home - Internet gaming) as their site was the subject of the only home as a place of interest for the game was found. Keywords: desire for communication, social support, computer games, game style

Authors: Mohammad Ali Fardin,Mahmoud Shirazi | Full-Text
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