Arts & Humanities Journal


Title: The Correlation between Personality Factors, Emotional Intelligence, and Job satisfaction of Iranian EFL teachers


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between personality factors, emotional and job satisfaction of Iranian EFL teachers. To this end, 80 EFL high school teachers were selected through convenience sampling. Bar-On Emotional Quotient inventory, Townend Personality Factors Questionnaire, and Karavas Teachers' Job Satisfaction Questionnaire, were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed through standard multiple regression and an independent sample T-test. The results of the study indicated that both personality factors and emotional intelligence are good predictors for job satisfaction; however, the results of the study showed that personality factors are better predictors for Job satisfaction that emotional intelligence. Independent sample t-test couldn't show any significant difference between males and females with regard to job satisfaction. The results of the study are discussed and suggestions for further studies are made.

Authors: Shima Nakhaie | Full-Text
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