Arts & Humanities Journal


Title: Comparative study of the Achaemenian reliefs and Achaemenian metal objects


The Achaemenians who were the heirs of the native and former races art, civilization and culture in Iran plateau and also conquers of Medians, Babylonians, Assyrians and Egyptians naturally they had been influenced by the native, former cultures and civilization, art and culture of independent nations in their art and culture. They had used the ideas of the Assyrians, Egyptians and Greeks and other dependent nations their architectural lateral works in addition to construction of the monuments. This article aims to investigate this question that: Is this influence seen in the metal objects and their reliefs or not? Investigating all remained works in terms of artistic and aesthetic aspects is out of limit of this article so; we only studied some examples of the remained reliefs in Pasargadae and Metropolis with some metal objects and then investigated the common reliefs between Pasargadae reliefs and Metropolis reliefs with discovered object. The research methodology is historical, analytical and comparative and the research tools are Pasargadae and Metropolis reliefs and the world museums metal objects.

Authors: Zahra Hamrahei, Akbar Behjat | Full-Text
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