Arts & Humanities Journal


Title: The role of the student movement in the political development in Iran


This paper aimed to develop the role of student movement on the political process examine the performance indicators of student activities in the political culture, political participation, elections, political parties, press freedom, rule of law by using the descriptive-analytical method and answer to the question that how the student movement in Iran after the Islamic Revolution has been instrumental in advancing policy development. Concerning the student movement emerged in the form of new social movements from the 1960s onwards it is worth mentioning that these movements compared with the previous movements, because of the features such as precise ideologies, clear objectives, and a sustainable and well organized and larger extent, have some impact on the policy development process. Since the main demands of the student movement are the participatory political culture and civil society and on the other hand, the most important indicator of political development is also the political participation and political competition, the performance of student movement in each course had been different. In other words, whatever the government gives more importance to the goals, demands, and student discourse, the intensity of political participation and political competition are added and also if the government emerges as an obstacle to them, the intensity of political development will be decreased.

Authors: Farzin Salimi, Abolfazl Jafar Qoli Khani | Full-Text
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